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Get your entire event planning done with a few simple clicks

Did you know that people spend 2 days to a month on average to plan for their events!

About Us

Most people holds or attends at least 3 - 10 events a year. Each time they have to call around or do research online to find a suitable places nearby that allow them to hold an event like baby shower, birthday dinner, or engagement party, etc. The planning is very time consuming, and cumbersome. Let alone, you don't know what kind of options are out there. All what in your mind are the restaurants your friends and you have been to thousand times. To truly create a unique event experience, you need to look beyond the places you always go to, and instead visit an actual venue or calling them. Kichi makes it possible for everyone to get all the information you need within one platform. It's a life-saver!

Are you a venue owner?

Kichi offers you a good way to earn some extra cash! If you're not using your space every day, why not rent it to other people while it's free. And even if you are using your space every day, why not explore different ways of enjoying it! A shared experience is often a more fulfilling one.

Create your own listing and start to get bookings coming in

Kichi is brought to you by the good folks at Kichi Group. If you have any idea in mind on how can we improve, do get in touch!

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